Easters Past…..

I was thinking as we’re heading into Easter weekend about years ago… I mea1968 Sharon, Candacen …YEARS ago ….when my girls were small of how we dressed! A trip to the photo albums and through the magic of a scanner and email we had what we were looking for! How CUTE are these girls!!! Candace, my oldest daughter was 17 months older than Sharon so everything was hand me downs for Sharon. Actually it was hand me downs from a neighbor for Candace! We watched that yellow coat span a few years as did the blue outfit and the long dress! Don’t you just love the purses!! What FUN!!!

Happy EASTER!!

1969 Candace, Sharon 1971 Sharon1971 Sharon, Candace1971 Candace

1973 Sharon, Candace 1976 Laurel, Sharon, Candace

1979 Sharon1979 Candace


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