Social Media

“How do you eat an elephant – one bite at a time!” We’ve all heard that phrase about goal setting and breaking the goals down in to bite size pieces so they can be achieved one at a time. The truth of the matter is that often things in life seem overwhelming and, I don’t know about you but when I get overwhelmed, I often come to a complete stop.

To someone who is not familiar with “social media” it can seem like a daunting job to learn about it. However, here is where that breaking it down into pieces comes in. You don’t have to do it all right away. Start with something comfortable.

Join LinkedIn and see all the groups that you can join. (This is a shameless plug for my group called… drum roll…. Laurel Stone School of Real Estate) You can just watch for a bit but eventually you’ll want to get involved. If you’re in real estate in Wisconsin, the WRA has a group. The National Association of Realtors also has a group in addition to other real estate groups like Active Rain and Real Estate Total Eclipse. If you’re in Northeast Wisconsin, you might be interested in the New North Connection, Appleton Downtown Cool or Link Greater Green Bay.

Go to Facebook or Plaxo and get on board. Create your own blog… blogger is free so you can experiment and it won’t cost you anything. Join a Yahoo discussion group. START a discussion group. Just do something. Check out the videos below for some plain English explanations then take that first bite and you’ll find that it’s not so overwhelming. And…. you may find that you really like it and are connecting with people that you know!!


FrontDoor Unlocked - HGTV's FrontDoor Real Estate Blog

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain.

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