What is WITH the Water Towers?

As I was driving yesterday I sighted a water tower and thought…hmmmm…..Oshkosh wouldn’t it be interesting to take pictures of water towers in Wisconsin and link them to the area they serve!! I was driving north on Highway 41 so I saw towers in Lomira, Fond du Lac and Oshkosh from the highway that I could easily photograph (by getting off the highway, not from my van...just to clarify that! :)). Then I did research this morning and …wow… I had no idea of the variety and creativity of the designs so I put those in a slide show. THEN I found WaterTowers.com and thought I’ll just send you there!!! What a great resource that site is!

This then, is my plan. I will take pictures of water towers in Wisconsin as I come across them and post them with a link to the community. I hope you’ll do the same and email the picture to me at asklaurelblog.gmail.com. Let’s see how many communities we can get represented!

For a list of towns that have been featured in alphabetical order, scroll down on any page and you'll see it.

Here are the some of the towns that I have photos of the water towers that were not yet featured.

Little Chute


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