So why in the world am I spending time doing a BLOG? A real blog where you can tell me what you think? Or where you can ask questions! Well there are lots of reasons so let me try to list them!

  • I'm passionate about real estate education.
  • I love communicating with people.
  • I want to share some of what I know about real estate to agents
  • I want to share some of what I know about real estate to people who want to become agents.
  • I want to share some of what I know about real estate to people who may be interested in buying or selling real estate.
  • I want to share some of what I know about Wisconsin and specifically the area where I live.
  • I want to learn how to do a blog so I can teach people.
  • Because I CAN!
Not so many years ago I was making a location change and a very special lady where I was working gave me a stone plaque that said:
"Learn something new, then teach someone"

I love that!

Laurel Laurel Stone School of Real Estate

Oh... and if you are a former student, please consider becoming a part of Linkedin and join my group created for former students to connect or be part of my page on Facebook!


FrontDoor Unlocked - HGTV's FrontDoor Real Estate Blog

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain.

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